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With more than 300 pictures, DIARIO DE UN FOTÓGRAFO DE LA NATURALEZA consists of 47 stories from different seasons and countries, and describes events, experiences and anecdotes I have lived as a nature photographer, useful tips and interesting photographic notes.

I have always enjoyed discovering the underlying story of those beautiful and surprising pictures: the thoughts coming to the photographer when he was taking the photo, how he found the right moment, or what he felt...

And this is the book. Stories, anecdotes, reflections and tips - experiences of more than 30 years portraying animals, plants and landscape to help the photographer and seduce nature lovers, together with stunning pictures from the best selection of my photographic work.

I have been chased by an elk in Scandinavia, harassed by hordes of midges in Scotland, bitten by sterns in the Arctic until my head started to bleed... I have even been detained and handcuffed in the wild... among other "beauties" of my naturalist curriculum. However I have not lost my capacity to dream. Photography is just a window. Look out, dear reader, and dream with me.


                "A special book, an extension of the author, his life, his experiences, his knowledge, and his gaze. You can feel the care and a very personal touch within each page..."

               Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente (Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente´s daughter)


                 "Every passionate nature photographer, as myself, will feel a huge but healthy envy while turning these pages and discovering the intensity of unique moments..."

    José B. Ruiz (President of the International Federation of Wildlife Photography-IFWP)





-256 pages. More than 300 photographs throughout, all with EXIF data. Text in Spanish.

-Format: 31 x 25 cm.

-Hardback. Inside: 170 gr semi-matt coated paper

-Foreword: Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente

-Introductory remarks: José Benito Ruiz (President of IFWP)

-Author: José Luis Gómez de Francisco

-ISBN: 978-84-09-03743-8


Price: 45,50 €


Launch offer: 40 € (Free shipping costs in Spain)

Rest of Europe: + 10 € shipping costs

Other countries, email me for information (


If you would like a signed copy, send me an email. I will attend your request as soon as possible.


You can see images from the book in this video:



© J. L. Gómez de Franciscosite by Bluekea